Monthly Archives: June 2017


With you I can’t stay quiet, words flow out of my mouth. I don’t have to hide anything, I don’t have to put a wall up, with you I don’t have to suffocate, with you I don’t have to feel lost, sad or angry. With you, I’m free.

Growing up in a macho household I was taught that women were objects, that we couldn’t fall in love with these lovely creatures, that there were inferior to men. Growing older you begin to realize that love is the greatest emotion anyone can feel, it can build and destroy worlds, it can be volatile and destructive , or it can flourish into the most beautiful gardens. I never believed in fairy tales, but you make me a believer.

Tell me your stories, the most closet to your heart and the ones locked away in the darkest corner or your being. Show me your scars, let me feel them with you, and when you cry, let me cry with you for my existence at the moment is intertwined with yours, let me feel what you feel, let me feed off your pain, let my demons engulf it. If only I could rid you of your demons and take them in, help you free yourself. I don’t want to see you sad, I don’t want you to feel anxious, if I had the power to restore your fragile heart I would, even if it meant destroying myself, but I can’t , but how I wish I could…

“Shit happens” my motto to live by, when I lost my dad, when I fell to the addictive world of drugs, I always had this pre-notion that everything ends, whether it be pain or pleasure, sadness or happiness. Thing is you are slowly making me reinvent and mold my thoughts, I can live with the sad, I can live with the happy, just don’t pull yourself away from me, don’t let go. Don’t leave, stay long enough to see my destruction, stay long enough to be the last words on my lips, but please don’t leave.
I don’t want to be lost again…


“How can you describe something as beautiful as the sky?” She said

“You can’t, there are no words that can capture the beauty of it’s complicated simplistic existence, just like you.”

You are my sky.



” You know I’ve had my head tilted up to the stars for as long as I can remember. You know what surprised me the most? It wasn’t meeting them. It was meeting you.”


For so long we turn to poetry to help find the words that we can’t find ourselves, without knowing that we too can become poets. We just inspiration.

You have become my inspiration. Words flow like water, all I have to think about is those beautiful brown eyes.